Foresight for Development Roundtable


Monday 23 March 2015. The Capital, 20 West Street, Morningside, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Western Cape 2012 SOFI launch

Pictures from the Western Cape Launch of the 2012 State of the Future Report.

Scanning Workshop JHB 2012

Some pictures from the Scanning Workshop JHB 2012.

Catalyst for Change Workshop 2012

Some pictures from the Catalyst for Change Workshop 2012.

FFD Breakfast 2012

Some pictures from the recent FFD breakfast.

Global Millenium prize award ceremony

Some pictures from the Global Millennium prize award ceremony.

The Cape Town 2010 State of the Future Report launch

Some pictures from the Cape Town 2010 State of the Future Report launch.

State of the Future Report 2010 launch

Some pictures from the State of the Future Report 2010 launch.

Conference 2007

Some pictures from the Conference 2007.

Cocktail Event Nov 2007

Some pictures from the Cocktail Event Nov 2007.

Artists at All Africa Futures Forum: Transforming Africa’s Future - 26 to 28 May 2014


Two young South African artists Miss Nompumelelo Ngoma and Mr Thabang Machaba were asked to paint during the 3 days of the Futures Forum, listening to the debates and Producing  a finished piece each a day. The outcome were 6 wonderful pieces which were auctioned on the closing of the Forum.

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