Next Generation Foresight Practitioners (NGFP) applications are now open
The Fellowship is an opportunity for changemakers to connect and learn from a global network as they explore the futures and foresight field. It provides opportunities for mentorship, foresight capability building and small grants to develop their foresight projects. Join region-specific or sector specific hubs, participate in highly relevant futures and foresight events, and connect to decision-makers. The NGFP Fellowship program welcomes applications from all geographies and sectors, this year specifically looking for people working on global issues related to Climate and Biodiversity, Democracy and Governance, Emerging Tech and Intergenerational Fairness.
Good Living 2050 contest
Good Living 2050 contest - Better visions of tomorrow.
Submit by 28 Feb 2023 for a chance to win cash prizes!
Are you an innovator or dreamer with a passion for sustainability? Are you an artist, designer, or creative type who likes to explore imaginative new worlds? If so, we’re calling on you as individuals or teams to share your visions of a new type of good living in 2050.
IFTF Scenario Building Course
IFTF Scenario Building Course
Upskill your foresight with scenario thinking
NOVEMBER 7-18, 2022 | Live-Online
APRIL 17-MAY 2, 2023 | Live-Online
In times of high uncertainty, one essential foresight method stands out—alternative scenarios.
If you want to add scenario thinking to your toolbox for foresight, design, strategic planning, or innovation leadership, this course will walk you step by step through the process of crafting visionary scenarios—one of the most rewarding, impactful, and challenging activities in a foresight practice.
This time-tested framework from world-renowned futurist Jim Dator helps sort through the chaos and complexity of world-changing moments like the Covid-19 pandemic. It provides us with the tools to organize overwhelming events, signals, and memes into four clear paths to the future—and to convert those paths to strategic action.
2023 Foresight Fellowship
2023 Foresight Fellowship applications are open!
Are you working on a project that is too ambitious for legacy funders to support? Do you care about advancing technologies for beneficial long-term futures? Scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs in longevity, molecular machines, neurotech, computing, and space; we want to support you! Apply to become a 2023 Foresight Fellow: no mandatory activities; we work hand in hand with you to support you! Apply here.